My Personal Fundraising Page

Hi Friends! 

I am running in the Baltimore Running Festival on behalf of Team H.U.M. I will be running the half marathon in an effort to raise funds for the Helping Up Mission. 

As some of you know my story- I celebrated 18 years clean this year. My sobriety date is 2/24/06. At the end of my using- I had burned every bridge. My life was a nightmare and the only reason I am alive today is that I am fortunate to have been given one last chance, a safe place to sleep, a home in a 12 step fellowship, and the tools to learn how to live. I was gifted with grace and unconditional love. 

I will always jump on the chance to volunteer and raise money for H.U.M. The Mission is the last stop and the last chance for many. It's so easy to pass people on the street and not think of them for more than 1 second when you step over them. I mean they're just junkies, right? I know enough to know that no one is exempt and when it comes to mental illness, trauma, the disease of addiction, to alcoholism- the wonder isn't of how someone could wind up like that. The wonder is that they are able to make it out. No one is only a junkie and bum. They were 1 once, and then 7, and then 15 and then 60 if they live to that age. There are a thousand things that happen between the beginning of their life to the moment you cross their path. It's so hard not to become numb to the suffering of the world, or blame, or put "them" in another category. But we are all the same really! As my life was worth saving- so is theirs. The Helping Up Mission saves lives. 

The H.U.M now has a facility for Women and children! They are doing the hard work on the ground floor. If you watch the news or live in the City and feel overcome by despair- or feel as if it is all a tragedy- donating your time or money to this organization is a way that you can help. 

Thank you for reading and for your support. If you're unable to donate, but are able to internalize the humanity of it all, and practice compassion in the present- that is everything! 

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My Supporters

  • Margaret Peak Good Luck! October 2024 $104.00
  • Jeannine Smith Go Mary. I'll be praying for clear skies and a cool morning for your run/walk. October 2024 $125.00
  • Mary DiMaggio July 2024 $5.20
  • Jeannine Smith Go Mary. I'll be praying for clear skies and a cool morning for your run/walk. October 2024 $125.00
  • Margaret Peak Good Luck! October 2024 $104.00
  • Mary DiMaggio July 2024 $5.20